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app:faq:navigate_no_voice_prompt [2023/05/02 15:19] adminapp:faq:navigate_no_voice_prompt [2024/08/14 16:14] (current) admin
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 ====== I can't hear any voice output / turn instructions ====== ====== I can't hear any voice output / turn instructions ======
-Here are some tipsif you can't hear any voice output from the Kurviger app.+**Please notethe voice output only works in voice guided navigation with the Kurviger Tourer+ subscription. There is no voice output in follow mode. See also our [[https://kurviger.de/premium/en|pricing page]].**
 First make sure that you don't have any Bluetooth device connected to your phone. Kurviger supports Bluetooth output, let's proceed step by step to find out where exactly the issue is.  First make sure that you don't have any Bluetooth device connected to your phone. Kurviger supports Bluetooth output, let's proceed step by step to find out where exactly the issue is. 
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 ===== Voice in the background or with a disabled display ===== ===== Voice in the background or with a disabled display =====
-Android is very strict when it comes to apps that run in the background.The Kurviger app works in the background, but two things need to be set in order for the app to work perfectly.+Android and iOS is very strict when it comes to apps that run in the background.The Kurviger app works in the background, but two things need to be set in order for the app to work perfectly.
-  - The location permission for the Kurviger app needs to be set to ''Allow all the time'' and the setting   ''Use precise location'' needs to be active. You can find this setting in the Android settings, apps, Kurviger.+  - The location permission for the Kurviger app needs to be set to ''Allow all the time'' and the setting   ''Use precise location'' needs to be active. You can find this setting in the Android settings, apps, Kurviger or in the iOS settings, Kurviger, set to always.
   - You should disable battery optimisation for the Kurviger app. If the battery optimisation is active, Android will stop the Kurviger app after some time and the navigation will stop after some time. Please refer to [[https://dontkillmyapp.com/|this]] website for more information on how to do this for your specific device.   - You should disable battery optimisation for the Kurviger app. If the battery optimisation is active, Android will stop the Kurviger app after some time and the navigation will stop after some time. Please refer to [[https://dontkillmyapp.com/|this]] website for more information on how to do this for your specific device.
 {{:app:faq:location_permission.png?300|}} {{:app:faq:location_permission.png?300|}}
 +==== Reinstall Google Text to Speech ====
 +We had [[https://forum.kurviger.de/t/sprachgefuhrte-navigation-nur-noch-sporadisch-wenn-app-im-hintergrund-lauft/16225/70?u=boldtrn|reports in our forum]] that if all of the above does not fix the issue, uninstalling and then installing Google Text to Speech again, can fix background voice instruction.
  • app/faq/navigate_no_voice_prompt.1683033591.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/05/02 15:19
  • by admin