App: Map, POIs, Bookmarks, Address, Coordinates
App Version 2.2.x
The information in this description refers to the mentioned version. More actual versions of the app may differ at some things from this description.
Previous topic: App: Interface, Views, Elements, Follow, Crosshairs, Screenshot, Overview
Next topic: App: Route planning, Routing, Route, Instructions, Overlays, Track, Transfer, Waypoints
Operating guide for the Kurviger app
An essential part of Kurviger (and among others its route planning) is the display of a map. In the map, other things besides roads can be displayed. This includes e.g. POIs, bookmarks, addresses. This is possible among other things by settings and selection of actions or functions.
In order to be able to use the app and the advantages of its settings without any problems, you should definitely familiarize yourself with it a bit. To get to know it and as a guide, this Operating guide is available for you.
For links to the other topics of the Operating guide and further info about the Kurviger app see at the end of the page.
Brief summary of the meaning of the following labels in this guide:
- FREE or Free: This is available or possible in the Kurviger App both for free (without subscription) and for a fee (with subscription).
- PRO or Pro: This is only available or possible in the Kurviger App with fee-based Kurviger Pro subscription. The activated subscription is highlighted in the subscription dialog.
And now enjoy reading the docu and using the Kurviger App.
Kurviger offers map data created from data from (OSM) and partly from other providers. The earth is divided into latitude and longitude. In the app, depending on the zoom level, a corresponding area of it is covered. In order to display streets, places, etc. for this area, the corresponding map data must be available in the app.
In the app Kurviger without and with subscription you have access to the online maps of different views or providers with internet connection. Thus, the associated map data are available and can be displayed.
Online maps are displayed with internet connection.
When moving the display area, the online map data required for this is loaded automatically when connected to the Internet.
If the Internet connection fails, the data of the previously displayed online maps is still available in the app for a while. This is how long they are displayed even without an Internet connection.
Only in PRO: You can download offline maps of a desired area with internet connection and save them in the device (internal or SD card).
The offline maps in the app are not updated automatically. If necessary, the current offline maps of the desired area must be downloaded manually from the Internet.
You can then open these internally stored offline maps in the app without an internet connection.
Only areas of the offline maps opened in the app are displayed without an Internet connection.
The Kurviger offline maps available on the Internet are updated approximately every month and continuously improved.
PRO: Due to the topicality and the data material, it is recommended for map display to use the most up-to-date offline maps. Also offline maps and map styles from different sources can be used (see topic “Kurviger Pro: Navigation, …” at “Additional topics of the operating guide:”, link at the end of the page).
By the way, the actuality of the map data has no influence on the route calculation! The route calculation accesses data that are updated more frequently (see topic “Route planning, …” at “Additional topics of the operating guide:”, Link at the end of the page).
If the map is moved (automatically or manually) to an area without map data, the corresponding area is displayed neutrally (without roads, cities, …).
![]() | ![]() |
All map data available | Here some map data is missing in the left area |
(Pictures are only rough examples. Depending on settings, view may differ significantly.) |
You can see information about the maps. In addition, you can select various actions related to the map. By touching the menu button you can open the main menu and execute some actions, as well as switch to the settings via the main menu. By touching the map itself, further actions can be started from a menu.
See the following descriptions, among others. Not all possible actions are described in detail, because the selection or the attached remark should be self-explanatory.
PRO: You can use the option Hillshading with internet connection.
You can choose a map color from various patterns in the settings, depending on ambient light and personal preference (see below).
The offline map data is continuously optimized for use in the app and updated approximately monthly.
The route calculation does not use the map data used for the map display.
Special routing data is used for the route calculation. In case of changes in OSM, the routing data is updated within a few days.
Due to the different update times of the map and routing data in Kurviger, changes to the OSM data are only taken into account in the map view and route calculation after a certain time in each case. Therefore, partly there can be deviations between the map display in OSM as well as the displayed road course and the turn instructions in Kurviger.
Map actions in the main menu
In the main menu some actions are selectable to the map:
Menu button
In Kurviger (without subscription) only one map action is selectable in the main menu:
- Online maps (opens dialog for selecting the online map to be displayed, see Select map)
PRO: Considerably more map actions are selectable in the main menu than in Kurviger (Free):
- Offline maps guide (Opens in the browser the guide for the offline maps in Pro)
- Download maps (Opens in the browser the directory for downloading the offline maps, see “Select map”)
- Open maps (First opens dialog and then Android storage access framework for loading offline maps from internal memory, see “Select map”)
- Online maps (opens dialog for selecting the online map to be displayed, see Select map)
- Map style (Opens dialog for selecting the map style)
- Map language (Opens dialog for selecting the map label)
- Map layers (Only with offline maps, opens dialog for selecting POIs to be displayed, see POI …)
Some actions are not described here.
Select map
PRO: With internet connection you can use the Hillshading option.
Menu button
If little data consumption is desired, one should avoid the option Hillshading
Hillshading can slow down the map display. This can result in screen jerking.
Online map
Internet connection is required to update and view the online maps. You can select a map of a specific design:
Menu button
>Online maps
A dialog will open and you can select a design according to your preference.
If you enter an area of which there is no map data in the device when the Internet connection is lost, the corresponding area is displayed neutrally (without roads, cities, …).
Offline map (only in PRO)
PRO: There is the option to use offline maps. These can then also be displayed without an internet connection.
For PRO, the use of Kurviger offline maps is recommended. These are continuously updated and improved for PRO.
They are only available in Kurviger Pro.
There are several things to consider.
See for this at “Additional topics of the operating guide:” the topic “Kurviger Pro: Navigation, …, Offline use”, Link at the end of the page.
Info about the displayed map
At the bottom of the map in small font size a map copyright is shown.
- At online map e.g.:
- Copyright-Note containing name of the map (e.g. Mapilion, Stamen Terrain, OpenTopoMap)
- At offline map e.g.:
- (C) OpenStreetMap contributors
Other ways to determine the map(s) displayed:
Online map (With the possibility of changing the online map)
Internet connection is required to view the online maps. One can select a map from different maps:
Menu button
>Online maps
If an online map is marked, you can see which online map is displayed. If no online map is marked, one (or more) offline map(s) is (are) open.
Online map or Offline map(s)
Kurviger app offers the possibility to display information about the used online map or the opened offline maps:
Menu button
An information dialog is opened. Contains info about displayed map(s), eventually the current map style and eventually to the routing.
For online maps e.g. the name of the provider is displayed.
For offline maps e.g. the file name of the opened map(s) is displayed.
Open map menu
Display a menu with info and selection of various actions to the map you open with:
Map (Long)
The title of the menu shows you the coordinate values of the position where you touched the map. In this menu you can choose different actions. Here only an extract:
- Set start (A start waypoint can be set at the position. If a start waypoint already exists, it will be replaced by the newly set start.)
- Set via point (At the position a Via point (Intermediate point) can be set. This selection is only available for an existing route.)
- Set shaping point (A shaping point can be set at the position. This selection is only available for an existing route.)
- Set end (An end waypoint (destination) can be set at the position. If a end waypoint already exists, it will be replaced by the newly set end.)
- Extend route (An end (destination) waypoint can be added to the route at the position, with the previous end becoming a via point.)
- Round trip (Planning of a round trip can be started at the position.)
- More… (Opens menu with more options)
Here is an extract of the actions in the menu opened with More…:
- Bookmark (A bookmark can be set at the touched position.)
- Show whole route (If a route exists, map is zoomed that route is shown.)
- Share (The coordinates of the touched position can be shared.)
- Show address (Popup with address is displayed.)
- Copy coordinates (The coordinates are copied.)
The content of the menu may change. E.g. depending on which waypoints are already set.
More to Start, Via point, Shaping point, End see Waypoints in “Terms, Definitions, …” and “Additional topics of the operating guide”, Links at the end of the page.
For more information on bookmarks, see below.
Change font size of the map
For labels of places, streets, etc. in the map, the font size can be set:
The font size can be set in % of the default font size:
Menu button
>Font size
Dialog opens. Set the desired font size and confirm with OK.
Change map symbols size
The size of some symbols (POIs, e.g. fuel stations) can be adjusted.
Set the size of the POI symbols with:
Menu button
>Display size
Dialog opens. Select the desired size and confirm with OK.
Change map color
Depending on the ambient light and personal preference, you can select a map color from different patterns:
Menu button
>Map color
A dialog will open and you can choose a map color according to your preference.
Recommendation: Dark
for night view and High Contrast
for daylight.
Location of the device, defined by GPS signal
To display the location of the device on the map, access to the location must be enabled in the device.
In Follow and Navigation mode, the map with the location is displayed on the screen. See the related topics, links at the end of the page.
The location display can be influenced with various settings:
Menu button
Location defined by inputing coordinates
By entering coordinates, you can display a location and trigger further actions there. See below “Coordinates”.
POI (fuel stations, etc.) from map data
The maps in Kurviger contain data of various POIs (points of interest, e.g. fuel stations, gastronomy, …). Some of these POIs can be displayed starting from a zoom level specified by the respective map.
POIs are for display purposes only. They have no effect on the route or route calculation.
If you want the route to take into account the position of a POI, you must set a waypoint at the POI (See related descriptions in “Additional topics of the operating guide”, Link at the end of the page).
In the app Kurviger (Free) you cannot select the POIs to be displayed. They are displayed automatically depending on the zoom level of the map.
PRO: You can turn on or off the display of some POIs (only with offline maps).
You can select the display and selection of POIs in a dialog. You open the dialog with:
Menu button
>Map layers
The display of some map layers (e.g. vegetation) can slow down the map display. This can result in screen jerking.
The size of the POI symbols can be adjusted (see above “Change map symbols size”).
You know a POI that is not yet displayed on the map. You can help to add it to the map. See “Submit a new POI (…)” at “Quick access …”, link at the end of the page.
Unlike POI, bookmarks are not included in the map data.
![]() | Bookmarks are defined individually. Bookmarks created by third parties (e.g. Passknacker) can be imported (see below). |
You can display information about bookmarks. You can also select various actions related to the bookmarks. For this you can open the main menu by touching the menu button and execute some actions. By touching a bookmark itself you can start further actions from a menu.
See the following descriptions, among others. Not all possible actions are described in detail, because the selection or the attached remark should be self-explanatory.
Bookmark actions in the main menu
In the main menu you can select some actions for bookmarks:
Menu button
Extract of the selectable actions:
- Add (Bookmark can be added in the map. See below)
- List (Opens the list of current bookmarks. In the list, for example, individual bookmarks can be edited or deleted. List can be sorted. See below)
- Import (Opens Android storage access framework to import (load) bookmark file. See below)
- Export (Opens Android storage access framework to export (save) bookmarks. See below)
- Clear (Opens dialog to delete all current (or listed) bookmarks. See below)
To create bookmarks and for other actions there are other options. See below.
Adding or deleting bookmarks is considered only for the bookmarks in the app.
If you want to include the bookmarks that exist or have been modified in the app in a file, you must export the bookmarks.
Show bookmarks
In the app you have the option to display bookmarks in the map. Switching the display on and off is done with:
Menu button
>Bookmarks [_]
Here you have to make the desired selection.
Bookmarks are only displayed if they are set, added or loaded and the above selection is enabled!
The display of a lot of bookmarks can slow down the map display. This can result in screen jerking.
Displaying a lot of bookmarks may affect the readability of the map.
You can find out if there are bookmarks in the app by opening the bookmarks list:
Menu button
If there are bookmarks in the app, the list with the names of the bookmarks will be opened. For details see below at “Open bookmark list, edit”..
Add bookmark
There are several ways to add a bookmark:
Variant A: Menu button
> Bookmarks
> Add
- Crosshair tool is displayed automatically.
- Move the map so that the desired position is displayed in the crosshairs (the map can be zoomed as required). Then confirm by touching the confirm icon.
- Dialog for entering the bookmark name opens. Enter the name and confirm with OK.
Variant B: Map (Long)
> More…
> Bookmark
- Crosshair tool is displayed automatically.
- Move the map so that the desired position is displayed in the crosshairs (the map can be zoomed as required). Then confirm by touching the confirm icon.
- Dialog for entering the bookmark name opens. Enter the name and confirm with OK.
Variant C: Route (Long)
> More…
> Bookmark
- The position of the touch of the route is taken as the position.
- Dialog for entering the bookmark name opens. Enter the name and confirm with OK.
Variant D: Waypoint (Long)
> More…
> Bookmark
- Dialog for entering the bookmark name opens. Name is preset with waypoint designation, keep or change this and confirm with OK.
Variant E: Address point (Long)
> More…
> Bookmark
- Dialog for entering the bookmark name opens. Name is preset with Address, keep or change it and confirm with OK.
The bookmark is then available in the app.
Attention: Bookmarks are only displayed on the map if
Menu button
>Bookmarks [x]
is switched on!
Above actions are considered only for the bookmarks in the app.
If you want to include the bookmarks that exist or have been modified in the app in a file, you must export the bookmarks.
On-screen keyboard is displayed when the input field is touched.
The keyboard can be hidden with the back key of the device.
Third party bookmarks
Third party providers (e.g. Passknacker, Alpenrouten) provide e.g. collections of passes or other interesting points as GPX files on the Internet. At Passknacker, for example, you have to register for free to be able to download such files.
You can download the files from the third parties and save them in your device (internal or SD card).
You can import the files stored in your device in the app. See “Import (load) bookmarks”.
Import (load) bookmarks
If you have bookmark files in the device (internal or SD card), you can import a bookmark file with:
Menu button
The Android storage access framework will open. In it, you can select and import the desired gpx file in the folder you want.
From gpx files only waypoints are taken over as bookmarks.
Route or track data of a gpx file are not taken into account during bookmark import of a gpx file.
If there are already bookmarks in the app, a dialog opens:
- Dialog: Import bookmarks
- Add bookmarks
- Replace bookmarks
According to your selection, the bookmarks of the file are transferred to the app. The bookmarks contained in the file are then available in the app.
Attention: Bookmarks are only displayed on the map if
Menu button
>Bookmarks [x]
is switched on!
If an imported file contains a lot of bookmarks, this may cause display problems. See above “Show bookmarks”.
Export (save) bookmarks
Attention: Bookmarks are only displayed on the map if
Menu button
>Bookmarks [x]
is switched on!
If there are bookmarks in the app, you can export them with:
Menu button
The Android storage access framework will open. In it, you can save the desired gpx file in the folder of your choice.
The name of the file is automatically a timestamp. You can rename it in the Android storage access framework before saving or later in the file browser of your device.
- ATTENTION! When changing the file name in the input field DO NOT OVERWRITE THE FILE EXTENSION (e.g. .gpx). The file extension must be preserved!
It makes sense to include a reference to bookmarks (e.g. bkmk, bmk, bm) in the file names of such *.gpx files (examples: bm_test.gpx, test_bkmk.gpx). This way you can easily distinguish bookmark files from route files in *.gpx format.
See also “Android storage access framework” in the “User interface, …” topic in “Additional topics of the operating guide”, Link at the end of the page.
Bookmarks, access to favorites of the website
Currently, direct access to the website favorites is not possible.
If necessary, favorites can be exported in the website as *.gpx file (with option “Waypoints”).
It makes sense to include a reference to bookmarks (e.g. bkmk, bmk, bm) in the file names of such *.gpx files (examples: bm_test.gpx, test_bkmk.gpx). This way you can easily distinguish bookmark files from route files in *.gpx format.
If necessary, transfer the file exported in the web page to the Kurviger App device.
This file then you can import to the bookmarks in the app (see above).
Open bookmark list, edit
In the bookmarks list all bookmarks available in the app are listed. You can open the list e.g. with:
Menu button
In the list you can perform various actions, e.g.
Changes in the list or deletions are only accepted if the list is exited with OK!
Attention: Bookmarks are only displayed on the map if
Menu button
>Bookmarks [x]
is switched on!
Above actions are considered only for the bookmarks in the app.
If you want to include the bookmarks that exist or have been modified in the app in a file, you must export the bookmarks.
Show bookmark info
You open the display of an info popup for the bookmark with:
Bookmark (Short)
The info popup is displayed. You can close it by touching it briefly.
In the info popup you will see:
- Bookmark name
Open bookmark menu
Display a menu with info and selection of different actions for the bookmark you open with:
Bookmark (Long)
The title of the menu is the name of the bookmark. In this menu you can choose different actions. Here only an extract:
- Set start (A start waypoint can be set at the bookmark.)
- Set via point (At the bookmark a Via point (Intermediate point) can be set.)
- Set shaping point (A shaping point can be set at the bookmark. This selection is only available for an existing route.)
- Set end (An end waypoint (destination) can be set at the bookmark.)
- Extend route (An end (destination) waypoint can be added to the route at the bookmark, with the previous end becoming a via point.)
- Round trip (Planning of a round trip can be started at the bookmark.)
- More… (Opens menu with more options)
Here is an extract of the actions in the menu opened with More…:
- Move (Bookmark can be moved.)
- Edit (Name of the bookmark can be changed.)
- Delete (The bookmark is deleted.)
- Share (The coordinates of the bookmark can be shared.)
- Show address (Popup with address is displayed.)
- Copy coordinates (The coordinates are copied.)
Above actions are considered only for the bookmarks in the app.
If you want to include the bookmarks that exist or have been modified in the app in a file, you must export the bookmarks.
More to Start, Via point, Shaping point, End see Waypoints in “Terms, Definitions, …” and “Additional topics of the operating guide”, Links at the end of the page.
Move bookmark
You can move the position of a bookmark in the map with:
Bookmark (Long)
Crosshairs are automatically displayed. Then:
- Move the map so that the desired position is displayed in the crosshairs (the map can be zoomed as required). Then confirm by touching the confirm icon.
- Dialog for entering the bookmark name opens. Enter the name and confirm with OK.
Above actions are considered only for the bookmarks in the app.
If you want to include the bookmarks that exist or have been modified in the app in a file, you must export the bookmarks.
Delete bookmark
There are several ways to delete bookmarks.
Delete all bookmarks with one action:
Menu button
Dialog with number of bookmarks opens. By confirming with OK all bookmarks in the app will be deleted.
Delete bookmarks one by one, variant A:
Menu button
Select the desired bookmark in the list and touch the Delete icon
(see “Open bookmark list, edit”).
The bookmark is removed from the list. Only by leaving the list with OK the bookmark is also deleted in the map and the app.
Delete bookmarks one by one, variant B:
Bookmark (Long)
A dialog for confirming the deletion opens.
Upon confirmation, the corresponding bookmark will be deleted from the map and the app.
Above actions are considered only for the bookmarks in the app.
If you want to include the bookmarks that exist or have been modified in the app in a file, you must export the bookmarks.
In the Kurviger app there is the possibility to search for addresses and mark them with an address point.
If you do not enter an exact address in the address lookup, but only the name of e.g. a city, the address point may be positioned at a location that does not directly fit the route planning, then set a waypoint not at the address point, but at a desired location. By entering e.g. a city name and selection in the address lookup, the map will be displayed at the corresponding position. At the point a bookmark can be set, if desired. More about address lookup and address point see below.
A menu can be opened for the address point and various actions (e.g. set waypoint) can be selected in it.
Otherwise, an address point can be set for any position on the map and the corresponding address can be displayed.
![]() | Address point | At an address point you can later display the associated info or open the associated menu (see below). |
Address lookup
Internet connection is required for address lookup!
There is a possibility to search for an address and mark the corresponding position with an address point.
To do this, touch the address lookup button:
Address lookup button
A dialog to input an address opens. Then:
- Enter address or e.g. hotel name and city
- in case of inaccurate input, a list with more or less exact hits of the search is displayed
In the list, the respective address and a corresponding go-to icon are displayed. You have 2 possibilities to select here:
Variant A:
- Touch address
- The associated address point is displayed on the map.
Variant B:
- Touch go-to symbol
- Address point is set
- Menu for the address point opens, where you can select an associated action (e.g. set waypoint or bookmark. See Open address point menu).
On-screen keyboard is displayed when the input field is touched.
The keyboard can be hidden with the back key of the device.
The search results sometimes show long lists that you cannot scroll or can barely scroll on some devices. Then refine the search input.
In rare cases, the address you are looking for is not displayed. If possible, change the search term, set another address provider (only in PRO) or search the Internet for the address and address data.
Set address point in map
You want to mark a certain place on the map with an address point.
To do this, touch the map at the location for a long time and select the corresponding action in the menu:
Map (Long)
>Show address
Crosshairs are automatically displayed. Then:
- Move the map so that the desired position is displayed in the crosshairs (the map can be zoomed as required). Then confirm by touching the confirm symbol.
- An address point with associated info is displayed at the position.
Show info about the address point
To display an info popup for the address point, briefly touch the address point:
Address point (Short)
The info popup is displayed. You can close it by briefly touching it.
In the Info popup you see (Point generated with internet connection):
- Address
- Plus Code
- what3words Code
In the Info popup you see (Point generated without internet connection):
- Plus Code
Plus code and what3words are codes for the coordinates of the address point. For more see Links at the end of the page.
Open address point menu
Display of a menu with address and selection of different actions to the address point you open with:
Address point (Long)
In this menu you can choose different actions. Here only an extract:
- Set start (A start waypoint can be set at the address point.)
- Set via point (At the address point a Via point (Intermediate point) can be set.)
- Set shaping point (A shaping point can be set at the address point. This selection is only available for an existing route.)
- Set end (An end waypoint (destination) can be set at the address point.)
- Extend route (An end (destination) waypoint can be added to the route at the address point, with the previous end becoming a via point.)
- Round trip (Planning of a round trip can be started at the address point.)
- More… (Opens menu with more options)
Here is an extract of the actions in the menu opened with More…:
- Bookmark (A bookmark can be set at the position of the address point.)
- Delete (The address point is deleted.)
- Share (The coordinates of the address point can be shared.)
- Copy coordinates (The coordinates are copied.)
For details on start, via point, shaping point, destination, see Waypoints in “Terms, definitions, …” and “Additional topics of the operating guide”., Links at the end of the page.
For more information on bookmarks see above.
Delete address point
Delete address point alone:
A single address point can be deleted as follows:
Address point (Long)
The address point is deleted directly (without confirm dialog).
Delete address point with overlays:
Address points can currently be deleted with the overlays. However, this also deletes all markers displayed as overlays!
Deleting overlays:
Menu button
A Clear dialog opens. In it
- select Overlay
- confirm with OK
Dialog is closed and markers are deleted.
Change provider of Address lookup (only in PRO)
PRO: You can select the provider of the Address lookup.
See at “Additional topics of the operating guide” the topic “Kurviger Pro: Navigation, …, More”, (Link at the end of the page).
OpenCageData offers the search for the locality of UK Postcodes.
The address search itself is only possible with internet connection.
The earth and the map is divided into latitude and longitude. A given position is defined by its coordinates.
Select units of coordinates:
In the app you can select the units of coordinates (for display and input):
Menu button
A dialog opens:
- Title: Coordinates
- o D.D°
- o D°M.M'
- o D°M'S.S“
The selected setting is used for displaying and entering coordinates.
Display address point at coordinates:
There is a tool in the app to show an address point on the map at the appropriate position when geodata is available by entering coordinates (latitude and longitude):
Menu button
The Location-Dialog opens:
- Title: Location (peviously: Go to)
- Latitude (enter the latitude)
- Longitude (enter the longitude)
- Zoom level (The current zoom level is displayed. The zoom level can be changed.)
After confirming with OK the map is displayed with the address point at the corresponding position and zoom selection in the center of the map.
There you can open a menu, see above “Open address point menu”.
Map errors
The maps in Kurviger may contain errors in some places. Map errors cause, for example, incorrect display, incorrect information in route guidance and turn instructions.
The map data in Kurviger and the Kurviger routing data are based on data from OpenStreetMap (OSM). Errors are e.g. wrong entries in OSM, e.g. for drivability, turn lanes, traffic circles, barriers, road works, allowed speed and more. Between the update of the data in OSM and the update of the data in Kurviger for some reasons a certain time passes (for routing data hours or a few days, for map data depending on the map possibly even weeks or months).
This can lead to incorrect illustrations of the map and to unusual routing and inappropriate turn instructions. This can be a bit annoying now and then. The data origin at OSM has an advantage: Everyone can contribute to the elimination of errors! On the one hand directly in OSM, on the other hand by reporting the map errors or errors of the route planning or the turn instructions in the Kurviger forum. Within a few days, the updated data in OSM will also be taken into account in the route calculation in Kurviger. So everyone can contribute to better map display and route calculation in Kurviger.
Eliminate errors in OSM:
- Only users familiar with OSM
- observe OSM guidelines
Report an error in the Kurviger forum:
- see “Help” in the “Interface, …, Overview” topic in “Additional topics of the operating guide”, link at the bottom of the page.
Next topic: App: Route planning, Routing, Route, Instructions, Overlays, Track, Transfer, Waypoints
Terms and Definitions about Kurviger
Additional topics of the operating guide to the Kurviger Apps:
Operating Guide to Kurviger App, Content and Intro
App: Interface, Views, Elements, Follow, Crosshairs, Screenshot, Overview
App: Route planning, Routing, Route, Instructions, Overlays, Track, Transfer, Waypoints
Kurviger Pro: Navigation, Simulation, GPS Recording, Auto-Zoom, Screen Lock, Rerouting, More, Offline use
Quick access to further information:
Getting Started
Submit a new POI (hotel, meeting point, ...)
Offline Maps
Offline Routing
Route files, Route transfer (Import, Export)
Plus Codes
More information about Kurviger can be found by clicking the links in the sidebar.