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cloud [2024/08/25 18:06] admincloud [2024/09/05 00:21] (current) corvin
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 You can save a favorite by either: You can save a favorite by either:
-  * On desktopright clicking on the mapand choose to save as favorite+ 
-  * On mobile devicetap the map  and then click the star icon. +  * **On the Desktop:** Right-click on the map and select "Save as Favorite." 
-  For POIs, Waypoints, and other locations, you can open the location and click the star icon.+  * **On a Mobile Device:** Tap on the map and then click the star icon. 
 +For POIs, waypoints, and other locations, you can open the location and click the star icon.
 You can use favorites in the route planning by either searching for them or seeing them on the map, see also [[overlay_manager|]]. You can use favorites in the route planning by either searching for them or seeing them on the map, see also [[overlay_manager|]].
 +===== Customize Favorites =====
 +You can easily adjust the categories of your favorites, with options like viewpoint, parking, or pass available to keep your favorites well-organized and easy to manage.
 +You can either assign a category to your favorite point when you save it or edit and adjust it later.
 +To assign a category to your favorite point immediately, simply click on the ''waypoint icon'' before saving the point (as described above). You can then choose from various categories and confirm the most appropriate one for your point with a click. Afterward, save the point as usual, and the chosen category will be applied.
 +To assign or modify a category for a saved point later, navigate to the point you saved in the cloud. Click on the ''3-dot menu'' to access various functions for that point. Then select ''Change category'' and choose the appropriate category.
 ===== Further questions? ===== ===== Further questions? =====
  • cloud.1724601998.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/08/25 18:06
  • by admin