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general:definitions [2024/07/21 11:02] admingeneral:definitions [2024/12/30 11:09] (current) admin
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 By providing clear **definitions and explanations**, we want to help reduce misunderstandings, both when reading the documentation and when using Kurviger itself. In addition, the definitions and explanations should serve as a tool that facilitates communication within the Kurviger community, e.g. in the forum. By providing clear **definitions and explanations**, we want to help reduce misunderstandings, both when reading the documentation and when using Kurviger itself. In addition, the definitions and explanations should serve as a tool that facilitates communication within the Kurviger community, e.g. in the forum.
-If you have any further questions, you can always contact us at [[https://forum.kurviger.de/|Kurviger Forum]]. +If you have any further questions, you can always contact us at [[https://forum.kurviger.com/|Kurviger Forum]]. 
 ---- ----
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   * Due to revisions to the app or website over time, there may be differences between the images in the documentation and the appearance on the screens. However, the text should still be valid.   * Due to revisions to the app or website over time, there may be differences between the images in the documentation and the appearance on the screens. However, the text should still be valid.
   * Sometimes images are very small. You can click on an image to enlarge it.   * Sometimes images are very small. You can click on an image to enlarge it.
-  * If you notice any discrepancies between the text and the behaviour of the website or app, please contact us in the [[https://forum.kurviger.de/|Forum]].+  * If you notice any discrepancies between the text and the behaviour of the website or app, please contact us in the [[https://forum.kurviger.com/|Forum]].
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 [[https://kurviger.de/premium/|{{ :general:tourer_badge.svg?100|}}]] [[https://kurviger.de/premium/|{{ :general:tourer_badge_long.svg?100|}}]] \\ \\ [[https://kurviger.de/premium/|{{ :general:tourer_badge.svg?100|}}]] [[https://kurviger.de/premium/|{{ :general:tourer_badge_long.svg?100|}}]] \\ \\
-<wrap em>{{:general:luftlinie.png?50|}} ''Straight line''</wrap>   +<wrap em>{{:general:luftlinie.png?50|}} ''Straight line (beeline)''</wrap>   
-  * The straight line represents the **most direct connection between two points**, **regardless of any obstacles** that may be in between. This means that all kinds of barriers, be it terrain, bodies of water or built-up areas, are theoretically overcome by drawing a straight line connecting both points without detours. \\ With Kurviger [[:web:kurviger_tourer|Tourer and Tourer+]], the Kurviger Premium options, you can display the **airline**. \\ \\+  * The straight line represents the **most direct connection between two points**, **regardless of any obstacles** that may be in between. This means that all kinds of barriers, be it terrain, bodies of water or built-up areas, are theoretically overcome by drawing a straight line connecting both points without detours. \\ With Kurviger [[:web:kurviger_tourer|Tourer and Tourer+]], the Kurviger Premium options, you can display the **beeline**. \\ \\
 <wrap em>{{:general:all_route_profiles.png?nolink&50|}} ''Show all curves at once''</wrap> \\ <wrap em>{{:general:all_route_profiles.png?nolink&50|}} ''Show all curves at once''</wrap> \\
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 <WRAP round help> Do you have further questions about Kurviger? Then click through our documentation. You'll find a few helpful links below. You can also find the most important topics in the sidebar. You can also visit our [[https://www.youtube.com/@kurviger|YouTube channel]]. There you will find some helpful videos from the "Kurviger Explained" series.  <WRAP round help> Do you have further questions about Kurviger? Then click through our documentation. You'll find a few helpful links below. You can also find the most important topics in the sidebar. You can also visit our [[https://www.youtube.com/@kurviger|YouTube channel]]. There you will find some helpful videos from the "Kurviger Explained" series. 
-You can also contact us at any time in the [[https://forum.kurviger.de/|Kurviger Forum]].  We will help you with your enquiry as quickly as possible. +You can also contact us at any time in the [[https://forum.kurviger.com/|Kurviger Forum]].  We will help you with your enquiry as quickly as possible. 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 [[:web:faq|]]\\ [[:web:faq|]]\\
 Further information about Kurviger can be accessed via the sidebar and the Kurviger forum.\\ Further information about Kurviger can be accessed via the sidebar and the Kurviger forum.\\
  • general/definitions.1721552520.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/07/21 11:02
  • by admin