Kurviger help for Kurviger website, app, docs and forum

Operating guide for the Kurviger help general

You want information on Kurviger in general or on how to use the Kurviger website or Kurviger app. For this purpose Kurviger provides you with various support.

Support for getting to know the Kurviger website and app:

As further help for the use of the Kurviger website and / or app the extensive Kurviger documentation (Knowledgebase, Info-Wiki) is available to you. There are a wide variety of pages available in the documentation. See below for more details.

If you can't find a solution to an operating question in the documentation, you can search for a solution in the Kurviger Forum. If you can't find a solution to the problem there either, you can report the problem in the Kurviger Forum. See below for details.

For the videos and reading the documentation and the forum, as well as therein contained search function, no registrations are required.

Kurviger offers several short videos that explain various things. Among them are also tips that are not included in any documentary. Over time, more videos will be added. An occasional look at the playlist and the videos can be helpful.

Link to the Playlist:
Youtube, Kurviger video playlist

Both on the Kurviger website and in the Kurviger app you have direct access to both the Kurviger documentation and the Kurviger forum via a menu:

Kurviger Website Kurviger App
1 Step 1: Open menu (clicking / tapping the menu icon)
2 Step 2: (only in App) Click / tapp on “More …” to expand this, possibly scroll to “More …” first
3 Step 3: Select desired action (e.g. Documentation, Forum)

For more details on Kurviger Documentation and Kurviger Forum, see below.

Kurviger Documentation, find the necessary info

The Kurviger documentation is very extensive. It is available in English and in German. It can be used without registration.
To find the necessary info, the sidebar is available to select both the language and a topic block or directly a topic. This should be the usual way to get the required info. See below for more details.
If you want to search for a keyword, there is also a search function available.
Depending on the device and browser size, some functions for operation are not directly recognizable (e.g. language selection, table of contents), because first possibly associated bars are closed for space reasons and must first be opened.

A detailed description on how to use the documentation can be found here.

Kurviger Forum, search or write in forum

A lot of information can be found with little time in the documentation. If the information you need is not there, you can try to find it in the forum.

You didn't find a solution for a problem in the Kurviger documentation. Then a search in the Kurviger Forum might help. To read and for a search in the forum you do not have to be logged in.

The search in the Kurviger documentation and in the Kurviger forum did not bring a solution of a problem. Then there is the possibility to ask for a solution in the forum.

For example, you have discovered a map error and want to report this or you have e.g. a proposal. This is also possible in the Kurviger forum.

To write or to ask questions in the forum, you must be registered in the forum. For details on how to register and write in the forum, see below.

The Kurviger forum is available globally. Kurviger is used internationally. To make it easier for both readers and developers to find their way around the forum, many posts on the forum are in English. If you ever don't understand something, for translation we recommend e.g. the website DeepL (see link at the bottom of the page).

A detailed description on how to use the forum can be found here.


On the topic blocks:
Kurviger App
Kurviger Website
Route Transfer (Import, Export)
Frequently asked questions

Info on news of the Kurviger website and / or app:

Info on the Kurviger website:

Quick access to the Kurviger video playlist:
Youtube, Kurviger video playlist

Helpful website to translate texts: https://www.deepl.com/translator

You can find more information about Kurviger linked in the sidebar.

  • manual/help_intro.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/30 11:10
  • by admin